Click to see them bigger...

And this is the pretty needlecase to go with it...
For the next few days I'm using it as a purse, but then I'll switch it over and use it as a stitching bag like Miss Lola and Diana intended. But it's just so pretty I don't want to not have it with me! LOL Even last night sofa shopping the lady at the furniture store commented on how pretty my bag is!
She made several stitching accessories to go inside as well, so I'll show you those later. I'm a very happy birthday girl all over again (without going up another year! LOL)
It's got just a tad of a green tint, so I think the houses will look very pretty on it, no matter what colors the girls choose.
Miss Diana also gave me my birthday present from her and Miss Lola. I am so thrilled with it! I'll take pictures this evening and share. It's the prettiest stitching bag EVER!!!
I worked on Two of Six over the weekend replacing a section I had to frog. Argh. But hopefully I can find the time to finish it up soon so I can move on to my RR.
Happy Stitching, Everyone!
and the back...
I have to say the lacing was not as hard as I imagined it to be. I may have to try it again. But a sewer I am not, so I hope practice makes perfect.
I started "Two of Six" last night and got a right smart done already. I love those Blue Ribbon ornaments!
What a wonderful gift! I have a lot of the Blue Ribbon gameboards, so this one goes very nicely with my collection. My TS girls are just the BEST!
I love the vibrant colors and I changed the verse around a bit to make it more fitting.
"I love my Mother's kitchen
And the way it makes me feel.
The aroma of her cooking,
And the plants on the windowsill.
It's the nicest place to visit
When I need a place to rest.
I love my Mother's kitchen,
But it's Mom that I love best."
My Mom and I loved to sit at the kitchen table and chat with coffee, work puzzles, plan holidays, and just enjoy each other's company. I have wonderful memories of my Mom's kitchen.